Countries that offer birthright citizenship:1. United States of America That's right, every other modern developed nation in the world has gotten rid of birthright citizenship policies. Yet, most of U.S. news media and politicians the last two weeks have ridiculed the comments by some other politicians that it is time for the U.S. to put an end to birthright citizenship for tourists and illegal aliens. THE U.S.A. NOW STANDS ALONE!!!!There used to be all kinds of Developed countries that gave away their citizenship as freely as we do in the U.S.A. But one by one they all have recognized the folly of that policy. The United States is the laughing stock of the modern world. It's not just Mexico and South America who are sending illegals across our borders. Currently, the CBP reports that of those apprehended illegally crossing the border, China is number one [in sending illegals]. Illegal aliens from China , India , Russia , the Middle East and a host of other nations are flooding the country. Ironically, most often these illegals and/or their offspring are given positions at the front of the line for Government jobs, contracts and assistance. Look around you! We are giving away our culture, and economic and fiscal strength because our borders are not secure and we bestow citizenship irresponsibly. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH OTHERS!!!!GOD BLESS AMERICA !! LONG MAY SHE REIGN FREE!! |